Friday, November 19, 2010

BDAY 5 dayz away

Well time to post again.
I MADE HONOR BAND!!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!! 6th chair! I wAS so excited when i found out that i made that i didnt realize i was below the person that i was trying so hard to beat. It didnt matter to me after a while though i was just so into that i made. well im going to go now.... bye

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

New Post...... finally!

Sorry I haven't posted in 2 MONTHS. I kind of forgot about this place since I"ve been really busy. I've doing a lot since football started with band practices, the football games that we play at, and marching contests. School has been really lame-what's new. Well Im gonna go now. Gotta go make tea cakes with my buddy.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


ahhhh help me. nobody post anymore. its so sad!!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Not even gray but she buries her baby.....

Wow this summer has been crazy, especially when my cousin came down. I think we walked to the local school to hang out like 7 times the first 2 days she was here. Tomorrow I'm going to the mall with my cousin sara and my friend Bayleigh. I'm glad my gma is dropping us and taking the little kids with her to see a movie. So,ya, that was like a really corny post. soo i'm gonna go now. BYE

P.S. I might get a Shane Dawson t-shirt tomorrow from hot topic. SO GIDDY with JOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Summer, Please don't go to soon.

I just got home earlier from popping fireworks. To me it always seems that after the 4th of July summer goes by faster than a freight train. Next year I'm going to make sure I have a great time in school since, of course, it is my last year of middle school. I'm actually going to go to a school dance and become a band manager for the high school so I can go places with them and my life wont be so ridiculous.
Okay,well I'm going to go now. Bye!


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Long time, no Post!

Hello, I'm back. It's been crazy lately. April 21st we had our band contest we won 1st division[the best]. May 11th we went to the music festival contest for recording and got 1st divsion[techniqually 2nd division because there was a division 0 outstanding]. Then we had our end of the year band concert which was pretty sad because the 8th graders are going to be in high school and they were really cool. Then today, it's been very boring lately. Tomorrow I'm getting an award for who knows what. So that's all. BYE!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

"I know you love me, I know you care!'

Short post time. Today was so just so... words can't explain how I feel right now. Ohhh I know BLESSED!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

We just have to face the fact that we're growing UP.

I got my haircut Tuesday wish I didn't though. I really don't want school to end. I'm not ready to be an 8th grader or then be in high school. My mom says it's just apart og growing up. I know it's part of growning up but I'm scared. Maybe I just don't want to lose some people. It's like the day you thought would never arrive finally does. My stomach is filled with butterflies just at thought of growning up and losing friends and making friends. I can't see myself without them especially one special someone. I just have to face the fact that I'm not going to be a BMS 7th grader forever. High school could be the very best years of my life, like middle school is, or it can be like elementary school, HORRIBLE!!! But I think one of the reasons I really don't want the school year to end is because HE won't be here anymore and that will be the end of everything that should've been.

P.S. Im never getting my bangs cut again.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Your Eyes are My Everlasting Song!

Well, there's sort of an explanation behind the title. I really like someone but I don't know if he likes me back. I know he notices me. I just wish we were friends. We've only said a couple words to each other since we met[which was last year]. Maybe before the end off the year we'll become friends and then hopefully more one day.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


It's actually raining!! Everytime there's a chance of rain it always passes us but it actually rained. I know, I know there's nothing to be excited about but I looove the RAIN!!!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Give Me My Music Right Now!!!

So, I didn't know what to add as my title. We had our writing TAKS yestereday now English is going to be so much more relaxing. School gets easier and harder this time of year. Haha[laughing as i write this]!!!! Today in history class we were all just sitting there listening to the teacher speak and all of a sudden a bird flew into the window and started scratching at it. Now that was one of the funniest moments of my day. The other one was I was sitting in reading feeling out this paper and one of the columns said "15 clothing items" and out of nowhere Izaiha goes "my birthday suit" me and my friend Aaron just started laughing. We almost got in trouble by the substitute. Well that's all for tonight. O geez that was funny!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

NO more Spring Break vacation.

I decided that I am not going to Colorado for spring break. Just thought I had to write that down.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

lol isnt so laugh out loudish anymore

when you look at lol what do you see? Thank about it.... oh wait let me tell you.
lol= man drowning or getting ate by a shark.
poor guy :[

Haha really random.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Spring Break soon woohoo.... Happy DANCE!!!!

I can't wait for spring break! My mom finally finalized the details and I get to go with the youth group to colorado to skiing. I'm not really gonna ski but im gonna go hang out In Durango {the little city by the mountains}. It;s going to be so much fun even though im kind of nervous and stuff because I know Im going to be left out but im going to make the most out of the trip since it's my first vacation for spring break.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A bunch of stuff and other things...

Hey yall, well idk but i just wanted to right something cause i am so bored and my mom makes me so mad sometimes like today.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Being Pushed Away :[

When people ask me "why don't you get out and go to the basketball games" I respond and say " I don;t know" but what i really want to say is " whats the point in in". The reason why is because anytime I go somewhere Ill be ignored, no one would talk to me so I just don't go. Yes I know im being a little cry baby but sometimes you just got to say something. I may not be the athletic, cheerleader, social person but I really would like for someone to CARE.

Next Point. When girls and boys get together and they're together for a while and they finally break up their little brains have a fantasy that they lost a husband or a wife and they just don't get over losing that one person. I mean seriously we're teenagers and then when they break they go cry about it to every person they think care.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I haven't posted in a while but I've been on here. School has been great having lots of fun. We've been working alot in band [we meaning the band] have been working hard on music pieces and stuff like that. So well thats all otay.

byyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee buddddddieeessssss

Friday, January 8, 2010

It's Like a Burst of ENERGY!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I haven't posted in awhile but I've been on here. Life is great right now. I'm working really hard right now to get that first chair in band. One thing about school that made me mad was on Monday, it was actually a tuesday though, but every monday we go into the auditourium to read. So it was about time for the teachers to start dismissing us and then the principal came, "Before you go to lunch I have some news to tell yall and yall might not like it." We were all wondering what he was going to say.{ susspension, dun dun duhhhhh} " This semester we have made a change, you will be reading in here everyday. If you get your A.R goal you will not have to be in here for the rest of the six weeks except for mondays. Once the next six weeks starts you will be in here everday." Everybody was pretty ticked about it. Anywas just wanted to share my week bac from shool with you. Now its friday night and i have nothing to do.
Place Me Like A Seal Over Your Heart, Like A Seal On Your Arm. For Love Is As Strong As Death As Unyeilding As The Grave. For It Quenches Thirst, It Cannot Be Washed Away.

Songs 8: 6-9

About Me

My photo
My life is confusing and mixed. I may be happy sometimes but sometimes i am sad. I can be crazy and I am really smart haha inside joke. Some of my friends are and will always be there for me like i am for them. For some reason people say that i am quiet this year so i guess that means i wasnt last year. Thats all so im done writing stuff about me... bye
