Thursday, May 20, 2010

Long time, no Post!

Hello, I'm back. It's been crazy lately. April 21st we had our band contest we won 1st division[the best]. May 11th we went to the music festival contest for recording and got 1st divsion[techniqually 2nd division because there was a division 0 outstanding]. Then we had our end of the year band concert which was pretty sad because the 8th graders are going to be in high school and they were really cool. Then today, it's been very boring lately. Tomorrow I'm getting an award for who knows what. So that's all. BYE!
Place Me Like A Seal Over Your Heart, Like A Seal On Your Arm. For Love Is As Strong As Death As Unyeilding As The Grave. For It Quenches Thirst, It Cannot Be Washed Away.

Songs 8: 6-9

About Me

My photo
My life is confusing and mixed. I may be happy sometimes but sometimes i am sad. I can be crazy and I am really smart haha inside joke. Some of my friends are and will always be there for me like i am for them. For some reason people say that i am quiet this year so i guess that means i wasnt last year. Thats all so im done writing stuff about me... bye
